
Ohloh project report for mirone

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July 2014,Joaquim Luis



Since 14/02/04

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18-02-20182.9.0 version
Now uses and ships a full GMT6 dev  version, including coastlines, so no need to install a separate GMT.
23-10-20162.7.0 version
Major acheivment in the stand-alone version. It is now able to use 2 Gbytes of RAM. Lots of fixes and new features. Now use GMT5 + GMTMEX by default.
03-10-20152.6.0  version
This is the final version using the GMT4 line. Lots of new features and bug fixes (and some new) have been added during this period. The developing version (already at the new Github site)  started to use the new MATLAB interface in GMT5.2
2.5.0 version
2.4.0 version

Standalone version is now continuously 'updatable' via "Help -> Check for updates".

Remove entry to the Tsun2 because it's too much outdated and will soon be replaced by a new code with nesting capabilities.

New tool under "Tools -> Misc tools" to mosaic the Portuguese LIDAR survey

Maps can be added a Fancy frame by selecting it via a right-click on the frame (needs improvement).

New tool under "Tools -> Mirone Travel" to load a picture and display it where-wished on GoogleEarth

Add GEODVEL to the rotation poles models and let them be easily plotted in GE.

Add artistic insult when user screws on using the grid clipping tool.

Aquamoto can now read multi-layered elevations in .sww files.

New Tool "Slices" to deal with multi-layered netCDF and HDF grids plus NOOA SST and Chlorophyll satellite data

Add North Atlantic Fracture Zones (some) to "Geography" and many improves to Atlantic isochrones.

KML now also writes text strings

Clipping RGB images with a polygon adds a Alpha channel and create transparent PNG when input image is RGBA.

Reading las files is now done with laslib, which also reads the (ultra)compressed .laz files (automatically detected)

Lots of improvements on the "Empilhador" tool, namely in processing L2 MODIS data.

The X,Y grapher tool now also knows how to generate GMT scripts

Let arrows be editable (redraw)

Now reads also CFloat32 and CInt16 RADARSAT-2 files.

Many changes in the illumination codes. Now uses MEXs in almost all instances (plus in Anaglyph).

As usual, lots of other improvements and bug fixes (near 450 changes reported on the SVN tracking system since version 2.3.0).

2.3.0 version

Fix nasty (but subtle) bug where index for computing lats was mirrored causing a wrong estimation of the distance arc and therefore of the travel time. This had a small effect on smaller regions but potentially large on big regions (north-south)

Update list of hydrothermal vent sites, meteoritic impacts and volcanoes. The first two have now ready made kmz files that will be displayed when calling the GoogleEarth display.

Some MEXs (namely the ones used in illumination) use OpenMP acceleration.

Improved the shading illumination code for memory efficiency and speed.

Added option to "Vector Operations" to greatly help the updating of the GMT GSHHS ascii database

Big efficiency improvement of line editing because it no longer needs to duplicate the line to have the editing vertex visible.

For geographical data report areas on the ellipsoid.

The "Preferences" window now has a Proxy:Port option settings with global scope.

New tool to compute binary images from good threshold estimation.

Numerous fixes and improvements of "Empilhador" when reading/processing MODIS L2 level files

Several improvements on loading multi-segment ascii files with GMT style options (e.g. -G -S -F, etc ...) in the segments headers

Lots of other improvements and bug fixes (near 200 changes reported on the SVN tracking system since version 2.2.0).

 03-01-2012 2.2.0 version
New tool to mosaic SRTM or Image tiles callable from a rectangle object in a Mirone figure. Grid files can be downloaded directly from the Web.

Update of the GDAL library to 1.9 version which increases the number of available drivers (formats).

Add ability to the Color Palette tool to read a 4 columns file with Z r g b.

Add option to check for updates, download necessary files and update the standalone version.

Several operators added to the "Tools -> Vector Operations"

New MEX to read OGR vector formats. This available via "File -> Open xy(z) -> Import with OGR"

The "File > Background window" can pre-set the limits convenient to draw GMT .def symbols, which can be saved automatically as such (that is, as GMT custom symbols)

New tool to do point/file (re)projections with OGR/Proj4

"Empilhador" can create multi-band images

"Empilhador" now reads ESA GLOBCOVER 5 degrees tiles products

New Window to display (not manipulate) histograms - Indexed or RGB

Now reads GEOSOFT 2-bytes grids

The 'aquaPlugin' set of functions can now be controled via the external OPTcontrol.txt file

The "X,Y grapher" can compute a mag synthetic model on the same position of the extracted profile chunk

Fix bug in "X,Y grapher" that prevent automatic axes rescaling while resizing the figure

Add a grid fractal generator to "GridTools"

NaNs on illuminated images are displayed in white (before they use to become black)

Lots other improvements and bug fixes (near 500 changes reported on the SVN tracking system since version 2.1.1).


2.1.1 version


Can select NaN color in Preferences (default is now white).

Read GEOSOFT 2-bytes grids.

Tilling Tool now always shows the type of imagery selected (satellite, roads or hybrid).

Added "Fractal surface" option in Grid Tools.

The X,Y Tool can now generate synthetic magnetic anomalies.

Many improvements to Aquamoto functions that deal with stacks of grids (satellite data)


2.1.0 version


Many small improvements and bug fixes (nearly 270 changes reported on the SVN tracking system since previous version)

The X,Y Profile tool can do semi-automatic magnetic isochrons identifications.

Finally (and hopefully) solved the problem with the MacMirone dylibs

Substantial increase in speed of Compute Euler Pole by use of a MEX. All computations are now done on the sphere.

The "Open xy(z)" option can now deal with binary files.

Added option in circles to do radial averages.OSX (64 Bits)

Filename Date Size Description

MacMirone210 14-03-2011 38.4 MB MEXs compiled with R2009b 64 bits. DISCLAIMER: It is not my fault that ML screws up so many things in windows design. That's the TMW concept of OS compatibility.

Linux (32 Bits)

Filename Date Size Description

LinusMirone200 24-09-2010 41.6 MB MEX compiled with R2008a, so you'll need a recent MATLAB version. DISCLAIMER: It is not my fault that ML screws up so many things in windows design. That's the TMW concept of OS compatibility.

Added new button to go directly to load BG map.

Can project seismicity along a line contained inside a buffer zone and display magnitude vs distance and other statistics.

New tool to download focal mechanisms from www.globalcmt.org

Update of the GDAL library to trunk version which increases the number of available drivers (formats).


2.0.0 version


Redesign of the Mirone interface to follow a thematic grouping concept.

Update the Rally Plater tool to display absolute movements after Torsvik et al 2008 model.

Significant rework of the Open Overview Tool which can now open all formats that Mirone recognizes.

Update of the GDAL library to trunk version which increases the number of available drivers (formats).

Added Retro-Illumination option where one grid is shade illuminated with the reflectance of a second grid.

All vector data reading is now is now tested if need to do trimming at the date line. That is, do not ignore that Earth is round.

Multi-segment files can have the keyword VIMAGE to create/view vertical images (e.g. seismic sections) under Fledermaus.

New tool to read LIDAR LAS files and visualize with Fleder or convert to xyz binary file.

Added the MORVEL model to the plate kinematic related tools.

All Euler rotations and pole calculations are now done by default in geocentric latitutes, but can optionally be done in geocentrics.

Added IODP sites info.

Added option to download tide gauge data directly from internet.

Improved section of Analysis -> FFT of the X,Y grapher tool.

Many other improvements and bug fixes (nearly 390 changes reported on the SVN tracking system since version 1.5.3).


1.5.3 version


A 64 bits version for Windows

All MEX are now compiled with either the Intel or the VC2010 compilers (though TMW says we can't).

The stand alone version was almost entirely (windows included) compiled with the Intel compiler. The spead increase is significative.

The profile tool let calculate slope by click-and-drag on the profile window.

For magnetic profiles the above can be used to estimate depth to the source using the Spector and Grant method.

New tool to calculate seismic intensity from source parameters.

New tool to do microleveling filter on magnetic anomaly grids.

The drape image option now interpolates the lower resolution to fit the highr res image and can do this even with partial intersection of the two images. When exported to FLEDERMAUS an object of type scene is created and shown.

New tool accessible via right-click on rectangles to download MODIS images from the JPL WebMapService.

Several new improvments to the gmtedit tool and interaction with GMT's x2sys supplement via thedata/OPTcontrol.txt file.

Can crop grid/images with the country polygons.


1.5.2 version


Fixed bad bug (introduced om 1.5.1) where symbols could not be moved.

Importing shapefiles of pointZ type works fine now.

Importing shapefiles take into account eventual .prj file. For now this only works when files are imported into a virgin figure.

Many improvments to the gmtedit tool.

Added the list of Hydrothermal sites to Datasets.


1.5.1 version


Rebuild all MEXs with VC7.1 and update to GMT4.5.2, GDAL 1.7.1 and OpenCV SVN. It supports reading new (2.0.2) as well as old GMT netCDF coastline formats, though a warning is issued with latter cases.

New tool to do multiscale analysis.

Morphological operations can now be applied to grids as well and have a new helper windows to design structuring elements.

Automatically recognise more of the NASA HDF satellite products.

Refinements to the gmtedit tool.

Image -> limits can now also be used to enlarge the working area without changing image limits.

Enhanced the Tiling Tool with an option to set a zoom center point therefore make easy to select the area of interest.

Added the list of meteorite impacts to Datasets.

Many bug fixes (nearly 200 changes reported on the SVN tracking system since version 1.5.0).


1.5.0 version


Update shoredump.c MEX to work with the changes introduced in the new GMT4.5.1 version.

Reworked window tool to select a base image. It uses an image of higher resolution and allows a rectangular region selection with mouse.

Several dll-s were recompiled with different names so to avoid the stupid conflicts raised by private/incompatible zlib1.dll and netcdf.dll versions shiped by Matlab 2008b and 2009a versions.

Read and decode MODIS L2 HDF files with option to interpolate rotated data with nearneighbor or minimum curvature algorithms. It also now swallows HDFEOS files with NDVI index.

Read and register IFREMER hosted SST non-standard netCDF files .

New tool to interactively demonstrate the seismic Focal Mechanisms plotting.

Many enhancements to the Tiling Tool. For example, it can now read imagerie from www.maps-for-free.com relief (from SRTM).

The Aquamoto tool can show montage of a series of images.

The gmtedit tool can now disply/edit the new mgd77+ netCDF file format..

The gdalwarp_m MEX can now reproject arrays containig NaNs.

Try to make the buttons look better on Mac.

Many of improvements and bug fixes (nearly 200 changes reported on the SVN tracking system since version 1.4.0).


1.4.0 version


Read and decodes several variations of the messy HDF file format distributed by the pathfinder (NOAA) pages as well as the AQUA and TERRA MODIS images.

Automatic georeferencing method now uses the SIFT algorithm.

New GDAL MEX to reproject a list of coordinates into any supported projection, including GCP-based transformations.

Added Link Diplays option that allows swapping the displays of two linked figures with a right-click.

New tool Object detection that detects objects described by Haar cascade XML files (e.g faces) and does Template Matching as well.

Enhancements to the Digital Filtering Tool

Compute Principal Component Analysis of RGB color images.

New tool Interactive Color Editor to do color manipulation on several color spaces (RGB, HSV, YCrCb, La*b*, YIQ and others).

Interactive FFT filtering by drawing a polygon on the grid/image power spectrum.

Can display grid's row-column numbers instead of x,y coordinates

New MEX gdalwarp_m to do raster warping/projections.

Added, Min, Max and Adaptive median filters to Image menu

New tool World is not (round) enough to change input grid/image longitudes between [-180 180] <-> [0 360] range.

Lines (and patches) can be copied between Mirone figures by the known Ctrl-C Ctrl-V mechanism.

Added Line Operations to the Tools menu that let do calculate Buffer zones (in ellipsoidal coords if widshed), boolean line arithmetics, Douglas-Peucker line simplification (Cartesian as well as Geographical coords), plot polygon by entering coordinates, etc ...

Draws spline smoothed polygons.

Dragging .dat or .shp files over the Mirone icon displays its contents automatically.

Makes much nicer arrows.

Text objects are now dragable by mouse click-n-drag

Improved line edition function (for example, lines can now be joined)

Added a "Dynamic" profiling mode (update profile on mouse movement)

Reworked tool Empilhador that reads an ASCII list file of grids and stack them on a 3D netCDF or VTK file.

New tool Cartas Militares to automaticaly reference the Portuguese 1:25 000 raster military cartography.

grdgradient, grdtrack MEX made stand alone (no more memory leaks)

Lots of improvements and bug fixes (nearly 400 changes reported on the SVN tracking system since version 1.3.1).


1.3.1 version


MacMirone version with MEXs built with R2008a (Using older MATLAB versions may or may not work. That's how it pleases to TheMathWorks).

Mostly a bug fix release.


1.3.0 version


New tool (Aquamoto) to display and compute derived quantities of ANUGA's .sww files. This tool can be also used to load 3D netCDF files and show its planes via a slider, or interpolate along the 3rth dimension, or create movies from the ensemble of 3D planes, or etc...

Several improvements in the Tsunami modeling tools. SWAN can now output .sww or MOST formats.

New tool to do color segmentation, which can also be used to do quite effective automatic digitalization of color maps.

New tool (Tilling Tool) to fetch individual tiles from MS web map servers (like in Virtual Earth) and mosaic them as georeferenced images.

New tool (grdlandmask) to create mask images of land/water using GMT's coastlines database

New tool based on a GDAL mex file with some functionalities similar to gdalwarp that allows grid/images reprojection taking as projection arguments proj4 stings.

Several improvements in the "right-click tools" that let for example to compute mask images from collections of closed polygons or crop images with whatever-you-want polygon shaped forms.

Implemented a workaround trick to circumvent the endless-waiting-for-correction bug in GDAL when reading netCDF grids. This allows using again the Overview tool with large netCDF grids.


1.2.3 version

Axis display type in geogs was attacked by the auto-hara-kiri demon.

Image registration needed Image Processing toolbox.

Importing a palette as "Z values" was not interpolating correctly.

view_anuga tool accepts sww files with singles.

Popup a selection dialog window when file has subdatasets.

grdfilter window has a new option to protect NaNs inside the filter radius


1.2.1 version (mostly bug fixes)

Surfer grids were not being written in 1.2.0. Now it it writes Surfer6 grids natively (that is, no call to grdwrite_m mex)

The color palettes tool was damaged.

Some improvements on the view_anuga tool


1.2.0 version


netCDF grids are read and write with native code build around mexnc. This alows large memory savings when dealing with types other than floats. Furthermore, georeferencing metadata as saved by GDAL or Arc... is recognized and used to set a Projection.

New tool (Noe Diluge) to simulate Sea level changes.

Stand-alone version has a new wraper that finally allows file type associations.

Greatly enhanced the way that the color palette is displayed.

+ & - zoom In and Out centered on pointer position, or image center if pointer is not on window. Zoom factor is displayed on window title bar.

Saving files with GDAL (GeoTiff, ERDAS, ENVI, JP2K) stores georeferencing info if this later was activated by theProjections mechanism.

Horizontal and vertical sliders show up when image is zoomed.

Remembers the names of the last 6 imported files in File -> Recent Files

Added option in Preferences to scale geographicaly registered files to 1:1 at mean latitude.

Introduced a new color quantization option (in Image->Image mode->RGB truecolor) that allows converting from RGB to indexed images.

Now reads variable slip models in the SUBFAULT and SRCMOD formats. After importing a model, the fault plane can be visualized in 3D within the Fledermaus viewer.

Reviewed and strenghtened Okada & Mansinha modules. They can now process the variable slip models.

SWAN module now lets you create velocity and/or momentum grids.

TSUN2 has a new option to ouput time series at selected positions.

New tool to view ANUGA .sww netCDF files.

Commandline tools to interface with the ANUGA tsunami modeling code.

Fixed bug in Projections using Proj4 strings that made them beeing ignored.

Fixed newly introduced bug that affected the "Grid max size" var in Preferences.


1.1.0 version


It now understands projections and automatically projects coastlines and loaded vector data

Updated manual

Fixed Draw Contours that was working only in automatic mode

Fixed bug in grdproject_m MEX that affected geographic calculator in grid reprojections

Saving grids with GDAL were not saving the projection metadata


1.0.1 version

This is a bug fixes only release. The main one affected SRTM type files dues to a silent change in GDAL that defaulted to import as unsigned int. Also workaround a GDAL bug that provoked crashes when reading coards compliant netCDF grids.


1.0 version


Automatically exports most of visible elements to Google Earth.

Use GMT4.2.0 DLLs which do not "explode" in case of an internal library error.

An existing GMT installation is used only to get the coastlines files.

The open icon in the main toolbar now allows opening several of the recognized formats.

"Preferences" window provides control of how to write fledermaus files

Finally we can control the screen capture resolution. There is now a new window that controls how to select the size/resolution/format of screen captures.

Images and all graphics objects can be copied to Windows clipboard.

New tool which paints/draws similarly to Windows Paint program.

New tool to do image classification supervised and unsupervised using the k-means algorithm.

"Tools -> Measure" has a new entry to compute "Area per color".

Rectangles can used to delete all objects that fall totally or partially inside them.

JPG, GIF and PNG images are automatically georeferenced if a file with same name and, respectively, 'jgw', 'gfw', 'pgw' extension exists in the same directory (the 'tfw' mechanism already existed for a long time).

GCPs from a GDAL opened image (e.g. ENVISAT) can be used to reference that file.

"Draw->Import line" understands the GMT multisegment "> -Gr/g/b & -W2,r/g/b or -W3 or -Wr/g/b" type syntax.

Numerous bug fixes.


0.96 version

Euler rotations now accepts multiple lines selection.

Fixed recent bug in the 'Earthquakes' option that prevented its use.

Stand-alone 0.95 version had several options not recognized (compiler blindness).


0.95 version


Now accepts nearly all recognized formats via command line. This means that you can drag-and-drop to the Mirone icon.

Writing GMT scripts now detects and reproduces all 4 GMT illumination algorithms.

Fixed bug in gdalread MEX that caused ocasional crashes.


0.94 version (bug corrections)


Writing GMT scripts and importing multiband raw files were corrupted


0.93 version


Reading files with GDAL was not working for users that didn't have the zlib1.dll library


0.92 version


GMT 4.1.4 has a bad bug that causes a crash when user has not declared the HOME environmental variable. Corrected this bug in both the test_gmt.dll and on the shiped gmt dll libraries. Also, the Matlab version had the 'adppath' lines in mirone.m commented out.


0.9 version


Use OpencCV library to do some Image Processing and matricial operations when much faster and economic than Matlab functions.

A GMT installation is no longer mandatory (though advisable). Read the file ../gmt_userdir/coastline.conf to see how to install the coastline files.

GMT MEXs were recompiled using a mechanism to prevent memory leaks.

Automatic Image registration using the autopano programs (.NET framework 1.1 required)

Several new options (SUSAN edge detect, lines detection, etc ...)

The Help button also shows all installed GDAL drivers.

Add tests to see if a certain format is readable by GDAL, and if yes read it.

M_GMT old code is no longer included.

Several internal re-writings and improvments in existing options.


0.83 (bug correction- 0.82 could not read Surfer grids)


0.81 (bug correction)

Correct newly introduced bug that saved GMT grids always as short ints


0.8 version (final)


0.8b version (b for beta on the new features)

Read JPEG200, ECW & MrSID files

Read ENVISAT, AVHHR satellite image formats and RAW files (multiband)

New tool to interactively select the displayed bands

Two tools for image processing (adjust contrast, contrast stretching, etc ...)

Tool for image AND grid digital filtering

Tool for image AND grid rotations

A Ground Control Points tool for Image-to-Image and Image-to-Map registrations

Read shape files (limited)

Import a 2D array stored in a .mat Matlab file (array variable name must be Z)

Grid interpolation at polyline vertices (mimics grdtrack)


Previous version missed 2 dlls

Reads Surfer ASCII grids


GMT MEX files were recompiled with the new GMT4.1.3 version. This is need for users that have GMT4.1.2 or above due to a change of the *.cdf costline files directory.

Applyed a trick to workaround a bug in Matlab R2006a


Write JPEG200, ENVI & ERDAS files Images and/or grids)

Code revision to better handle the grid vs pixel registration issue

New tool to do image resizing a la PhotoShop


0.73 version (bug corrections only)


0.71 version (bug corrections only)


Pan and Zoom functions on the standalone version where not working as they should.

Tsunami modeling had some new bugs.


0.7 version (final)


Fledermaus .sd objects now may contain also lines and points

New option in Tsunami Travel Time to do source location by backward ray-tracing.

Many bug fixes.


developing version (will be 0.7)

Slight redesign of the main window. It does'n use a .fig anymore. More improvements in the memory use. Some bug corrections (Ah! they were more than just "some"). Note: this affects strongly the compiled version.

The following is only a short sumary of all changes in this version (the truth is I don't recall them all anymore)

Write a GMT csh script or batch file with nearly all components drawn in the figure. Control of the image size, orientation, projection, etc.

Lines, symbols, polygons may be edited/draged by entering the edit mode with a double click

gmtedit is reborn. Read and display .gmt files

New tool to preview very large files and extract a sub-region

Draws focal mechanisms (and lets you move-drag them)

Reads sismicity data from ISF formated catalogs

New "atlas" tool. You can select individual countries or continents and the pop up colored

New "Euler poles tools"


Edge detect with vectorial output

Redesign of the IGRF tool (it now uses 10th generation IGRF of the IAGA Working Group)


Added a "Pan hand".

New module (Rally Plater) to do visualize plate reconstructions.


Collection of seismicity tools (some from ZMap).

Tide Predictor (based on WXtide)


Now reads 2D netCDF grids conforming to COARDS convention (from cvs GMT).

New FFT tool.


The new netCDF GMT grid formats revealed a bug in the netCDF3.5.0.dll. This resulted in a generall crash on writting grids. Hopefully this issue is now solved.

Now reads also the Surfer 7 grid format

New grid calculator tool (not available in compiled version).

Export grid array into the Matlab workspace -> process -> import manipulated grid (not available in compiled version)


Bug corrections. Corrected bug, introduced along the way, that "forced divergence" to the tsunami modeling with SAWN.


Increased the number of options that apply ROI operations to grids.


analpha-beta 0.6


Major code reorganization. Companion windows were filtered with the desGUIDE function. This results in smaller code, independecy of .fig files and allow separate compilation without the stupidly (even more) slowdown observed when GUIDE writen windows are compiled into dlls. Note: this affects mainly the compiled version.


GDAL imported grids are now treated equally to GMT grids.

Automatically recognizes Surfer 6 binary grids (and save in this format if user wishes so)

Reads Mars MOLA grids.

Imports GMT cpt color palette files.

Generate Fledermaus objects and launches the free Fledermaus 3D viewer with a single mouse click

Save images in GeoTTIF format.

The default illumination algorithm is now based on grdgradient which translates in a significant gain in speed.

Coastlines, political borders and rivers are now read directly from the GMT netCDF database.

SRTM moisaic tool and options to automatically detect holes in SRTM files as well as "fill holles" in grids. Saving in SRTM format of processed tiles. Reads ziped SRTM tiles.

Computing of area, azimuths and line lenghts are now also available with cartesian coordinates and use an ellipsoidal Earth when applyied to geographical coordinates.

New Geophysics section with:

Okada modeling of surface elastic deformation and synthetic interferogram generation.

a set of tsunami modeling tools: Wave Travel Time estimator, far field and swallow water tools to model tsunami propagation and coastal inundation.

Magnetic modeling "a la Parker" (direct and inversion) and reduction to Pole operator.

IGRF calculator for points, files or grids

New Grid Toolss section based on mexified versions of grdfilter, grdsample, grdgradient, grdtrend, surface, nearneighbor, mapproject and grdproject. This means that those GMT programs can be applyied directly to any grid read in.

Geographic calculator to easily project between any of the GMT supported projections.

For Portuguese users: we can convert between any/many of our national bordel systems whitout having to purchase any software.


ROI operations with color images are now done by transforming the color image to YIQ, do the operations, and transform back to RGB. This is faster and less (but still VERY) memory consuming

Added Surfer 6 binary grid read support.

Added "Import points" option.

Circles are correctly restored from "Open Session"

Closed polygons are now drawn as patch elements. This means that they can be color filled and support transparency.

Editing of lines, points and polygons can be done "a la Windows". That is, double-click to start edit mode, drag and drop to move the point/vertice, and double-click again to quit editing.


Replaced illumination Matlab code by a mex file. Illumination is now more than twice as fast.


analpha-beta 0.5